This past weekend Kelly and I, along with three of the kids, traveled to Tulsa to watch our oldest son, Zachary, graduate. What? Seriously? We are NOT old enough to have a college graduate! But, through some strange wrinkle in the space-time continuum, there we were, standing beside a young man that not that long ago was playing in the sandbox and riding his bike down the street.

This day was one that, quite frankly, neither Kelly nor I was sure would come. Not that long ago, Zak went through a bit of a rough patch. I firmly believe that adoption brings with it a certain amount of spiritual warfare. Satan is never happy when you bring a lost child into a Christian home, and shortly after we brought Mia home from Vietnam, Satan decided to start attacking our biological children. Zak took the first hit and spent much of his teen years fighting OCD. This pervasive disease quickly progressed until it engulfed his life and the life of our family. At its worst, Kelly and I wondered if he would ever leave the house, let alone graduate from college.
But God’s grace prevailed. As it always does! Through prayer…

Support …

A lot of love …

And Zak’s determination …

He slowly rose from that darkness and returned to the symbol of joy and hope that he is today.

So, this weekend not only marked Zach’s graduation from college …

It again proved to us the unfailing love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn’t always take you around the tough times. Sometimes He takes you right through the middle. But He is always there with you and joy is right around the corner.
” … Weeping may endure for a night,
but joy comes in the morning.”
– Psalms 30:5
